15 August 2011

Prevention of asthma-triggers

Each has its own asthma triggers of crisis ... but it is well known that there are certain substances that are responsible for the vast majority of patients ...
In varying degrees of susceptibility every patient can usually recognize which are the substances most frequently involved in crisis ...
In other evidence that can be done to know exactly how that is the most allergenic substance for our patient and thus can avoid them with more emphasis or desensitization therapies make them.
The most common are:
What is Asthma | Asthma Prevention | allergy 
Allergens are substances that (just) trigger allergy symptoms, there is a large group of them but the most common to find in our homes are:
• Pollen
• Mold from moisture
• Dust mites
• Animal dander
• Certain foods
It is important to avoid contact with these substances since this measure greatly improves airway function of asthmatics, reducing the number of seizures.
What is Asthma | asthma prevention | asthma triggers 
The airways of asthmatics have a hyperreactivity to certain substances, this can be explained as if, for example, we put salt on a wound, it would burn and ignite much the same goes for inflamed bronchial tubes (they are too sensitive to we put irritants). These irritants are:
Smoke anything, but mainly because it is the cigarette that is in contact with more people regularly.
Contact with substances that normally would not and especially repetition (as in work) gases, chemicals , powder.
Strong odors such as perfumes, household cleaners, hair sprays, cooking fumes, paints, varnishes.
Particles in the air and coal dust, chalk dust, talcum
Change in weather, such as changes in temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure changes.
Of these by far the most common irritant is cigarette smoke. Several studies have indicated a higher incidence of asthma in children whose mothers smoke. No one should smoke in the home of an asthmatic.
What is Asthma | asthma prevention | asthma triggers 
Viral infections of the upper airway from a common cold, angina, laryngitis, flu, more committed to paintings as bacterial pneumonia (which is lower airways)

What is Asthma | asthma prevention | asthma triggers 
Uncontrolled exercise
Strenuous physical exercise without taking the necessary precautions, or be prepared also cause asthma attacks. Mouth breathing, exercising in cold, dry air, or prolonged aerobic demand such as distance running can trigger asthma attacks.

What is Asthma | asthma prevention | asthma triggers 
Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
gastroesophageal reflux disease, this can trigger asthma attacks and is generally a little factor taken into account by ordinary physicians.

What is Asthma | asthma prevention | asthma triggers 
There are certain drugs that are often causes of asthma attacks by different mechanisms, we have the most frequent aspirin, ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory crises that typically trigger up to 20 percent of patients, nonselective beta blockers (propranolol), angiotensin of angiotensin converting enzyme (enalapril) that makes about 10 percent.

What is Asthma | asthma prevention | asthma triggers 
For some people, eating certain foods or eating certain ingredients can trigger asthma symptoms. These factors may be milk, eggs, nuts, wheat, fish and shellfish. If any of these foods cause asthma attacks, the best remedy is to avoid them.

What is Asthma | asthma prevention | asthma triggers 
Emotional Anxiety
Emotional factors alone can not cause asthma. However, anxiety and nervous stress can cause fatigue, which in turn can increase asthma symptoms and aggravate an attack.

As with any chronic condition, rest, nutrition and adequate exercise are important for overall wellbeing and can help manage asthma.

1 comment:

  1. I am the firs time visitor of this blog and found t useful to the reader who are going to the asthmatic condition.
    Asthma and breathing issues


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