18 June 2011

Children with asthma, what sport should do?

Asthma is the football

The truth is that if the exercise is not only necessary for children without respiratory distress, but also it is and more so for children with asthma.
But this is a very vague response in asthmatic children need to plan what exercises can I do, How much exercise is healthy in these cases?, At what time is needed? ... These are questions that every asthmatic, or family asthma has been done at some time during the course of their disease.
The ideal sport for asthmatics ( according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology ), is swimming , due to the humid environment, the superior muscle tone and horizontal position (which may actually loosen mucus from the bottom of the lungs).
On the other hand sports that could be undesirable are:
- Cross-country skiing.
- Basketball.
- Light athletic.
- Hockey.
But almost all well-controlled asthma can do any sport.
There are some recommendations that all athletes with asthma should take into account:
- You may need to be made one or two puffs of the inhaler before and after exercise.
-         Avoid exercising in very low temperatures.
- If exercising during cold weather, wear a scarf over your mouth and nose, so that the air breathed in is warm and easier to inhale.
- If you inhale air through your mouth , keep the mouth pursed (lips together forming a small "O"), so that the air is less cold and dry when it enters the airways during exercise.
- Carry an inhaler, if you have an asthma attack
- Avoid exercise when experiencing a viral infection.
1 in 10 sports hese young people suffer asthma, but this should not prevent them from enjoying the sport or even compete at high levels. Exercise is beneficial for people with asthma, provided they take appropriate precautions. Work with your doctor to find out what the best way to control your asthma so you can keep enjoying the sport and the activities you enjoy.

17 June 2011

Quick-relief medications for asthma

Quick-relief medications for asthma and relax the muscles around the airways that tighten during an asthma attack . The sooner a person takes quick-relief medication at the beginning of the symptoms of asthma , the faster you will achieve asthma control again. Although quick-relief medications may relieve symptoms, the relief may only last about four hours.
It is important to note that quick-relief medications for asthma symptoms do not prevent recurrence. Only long-term medications for asthma can help prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Some people with severe or frequent asthma may use both types of medications to control their asthma (as advised by your doctor)


The control of asthma medication in the long run to keep the inflammation controlled and quick-relief medicine for asthma attacks.
When using more and more quick-relief medications to relieve symptoms of asthma, this can get out of its control and may require an adjustment of medication for asthma control over time. Always consult your doctor.
The quick-relief medications may include:
  • Short-acting beta2 agonists - the short-acting beta2 agonists are bronchodilator medications to help relax the muscles of the airways and around tight so that the airway can be reopened. 
  • Inhaled anticholinergics - medications that block a chemical called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine can stimulate muscle contraction, increase secretions from the lungs and mouth, and slow the heartbeat, resulting in an asthma attack.
Examples of drugs for asthma quick-relief
Short-acting beta2 agonists. Albuterol, bitolterol, pirbuterol, terbutalina
Inhaled anticholinergic Ipratropium bromide
Your doctor may also prescribe a short course of oral corticosteroids (in tablet or liquid form) during periods of exacerbation of their asthma. Oral corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that can prevent inflammation of the airways and reduce mucus in the lungs. Oral corticosteroids do not give immediate relief, but is often used in conjunction with inhaled quick-relief medicines to provide better control of asthma.


Medications for asthma control in the short term and quick relief can affect people differently. Your doctor will prescribe the drug for adequate control of asthma based on their individual needs.

16 June 2011

General rules for asthma exercise

  1. Or take medications as directed by your doctor before physical activity (in the locker room before moving).
  2. Prolonged warm up gradually.
  3. Try the exercise is done at intervals.
  4. No maximum exercise intensity.
  5. If possible, sports are more beneficial in warm and humid.
  6. Where possible try to breathe through the nose
  7. Bring the fast-acting medication broncolidatadora the usual sports bag
  8. Not to commit indiscretions when alone or at risk. Especially when performing a risk sports such as mountaineering, climbing, cycling, rafting ...

05 June 2011

Asthma and Work

Approximately 15 percent of adults with asthma experience occupational asthma. The occupational asthma is a type of asthma caused by exposure to inhaled irritants in the workplace. Occupational asthma is often a reversible condition, which means the symptoms may disappear when avoiding the irritants that caused the asthma. However, permanent damage can occur if the person experiences prolonged exposure. Examples of irritants in the workplace include:
  • Dust
  • Gases
  • Humos
  • Vapors

What are the symptoms of occupational asthma?

Occupational asthma often begins with a cough or other symptoms of asthma such as wheezing and chest tightness, which may occur during exposure to the irritant at work. Sometimes, occupational asthma symptoms do not appear until several hours after exposure, even when at home after work . At the onset of the disease, symptoms may subside during weekends and holidays. However, during the later stages of occupational asthma, asthma symptoms may begin occurring during exposure to other common asthma triggers such as smoke, dust and temperature changes.

What substances cause occupational asthma?

Although every day develop new substances that can cause occupational asthma , some irritants in the workplace air (according to the American Lung Association, include:
Irritating Examples Type of occupations / environments at risk
Chemical dusts and vapors Isocyanates, trimellitic acid, acid phallic Manufacturers of foam mattresses and upholstery, insulation, packaging materials, plasticizers, polyurethane paint
Animal substances Polvos of bacteria, dander, hair, dust mites, polvos protein, small insects Farms, animal trainers, kennel workers, jockeys, veterinarians,
Organic dusts Cereals, coffee, flour, grains, tea Millers, bakers and other food processors
Cotton, flax and hemp dust
Dusts from cotton and textile industry Workers in cotton and textile industry workers
Metals Chromium, nickel sulfate, platinum, soldering fumes Manufacturers of metals and refineries
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