Oriental medicine to treat asthma with acupuncture techniques, and moxibustion (a technique that uses the same points as acupuncture, but by applying the heat produced by burning a root called moxa)

Others could see the "Treaty of therapeutics and materia medica of Armand Trousseau and H. Pidoux "
1857, the council of the use of numerous compounds to treat asthma, such as: Hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, coffee, electricity, snuff, among others.
In the first edition of the Merck Manual, 1899, indicated that the snuff asthma was often beneficial and the most severe cases, recommended marijuana.
Oils could be found with alcohol and opium in the treatment of asthma and other spasmodic affections. Charles Dickens was one of the followers of this compound to relieve their asthma attacks.

In 1870 shortly after Dr. Henry Hyde Slater, who was asthmatic, also claims strong coffee is the best remedy available for asthma. In 1900, since the early 30's, the lab begins to synthesize Boehringer theophylline, which is widely used to treat this condition, it is interesting to note that even being used for decades by millions of people in the treatment of asthma, now doubt its mechanism of action in asthma and its logical place in the drug scheme, apparently its molecular mechanism of action include inhibition of certain phosphodiesterases, antagonism of adenosine, stimulate release of catecholamines, inhibiting the release of mediators involved in bronchial inflammation and inhibition of intracellular calcium release. Theophylline is a nonselective inhibitor of phosphodiesterases (enzymes responsible for degradation of cyclic nucleotides in the cell, leading to an increase in the concentration of AMP and cyclic GMP). But the degree of inhibition is low (5-10%) at therapeutic concentrations of theophylline tolerable, prompting studies to develop selective and more potent inhibitors that can be used in the treatment of asthma.

What is Asthma | asthma prevention | Charles Dickens

Personally, as my own experience, I can recognize in the tea a great ally in the moments that Ventolin is not available to open a bit (if only) the way the precious air when this is difficult.
And you you have any recommendations?
Do you measure your grandmother makes out of these times? Leave me a comment and who can deny that you are the driver of new scientific studies